Maristes Montserrat Lleida

Maristes Montserrat Lleida
Treball de Síntesi Maristes Montserrat

dimarts, 17 d’abril del 2012

A day in Montblanc and Poblet

On Friday 30th , we travelled to Montblanc and Poblet to continue the Treball de Síntesi. In Montblanc we  visited the old part of the city and we enjoyed to look at the remains of the fortress and the old monuments of the place. all of us were working in groups and in teh groups we had to complete the dossier that the teachers gave us in Lleida. We compared the monuments in  Montblanc with the monumenst we saw in Lleida.
In the afternoon we went to Poblet , we had dinner there outside the Monastery and at hals past three we started the guided visit of the Monastery . We enjoyed to know more about the place and the explanations of the guide.

Anna Jové i Mariama Juwara

Visita a Montblanc y Poblet

El pasado viernes dia 30 fuimos a Montblanc y visitamos el casco antiguo. Nos separamos en grupos y visitamos los monumentos importantes del lugar. Cada grupo tenía que hacer las actividades del dossier y comparar lo que veíamos con los monumentos que vimos en Lleida.
Al final de la mañana, fuimos a Poblet donde comimos y pudimos disfrutar de un tiempo de relax.Por la tarde tuvimos la visita guiada del Monasterio que nos gustó mucho.

Montblanc i Poblet

El passat dicendres 30 varem anar a Montblanc i varem visitar el casc antic.Varem estar per grups visitan els monuments importants de la ciutat, comparant-los amb els que havíem vist a Lleida. Al final del matí anarem a poblet, allí vam dinar i passar una estona abans d´entrar al Monestir. Per la tarda visitàrem el Monestri amb el guía.

dimecres, 11 d’abril del 2012


The last Tuesday 27 of march the students of second A from ESO of Maristes Montserrat did a visit to the Diocesà museum to complete the Síntesi work. One of the workshop that they did was Situa't workshop. The students opinion was that this workshop was more interesting than the other that they did.
In this workshop the students had to put the actuality building in a picture. Now in Lleida there are less classic, romanesque and gothic buildings than medieval age.
The class was interesting. The students as better as school.

Julià Rodríguez, Júlia Ruiz, Andrea Roca, Andrea Prats i Elena Villacampa