Maristes Montserrat Lleida

Maristes Montserrat Lleida
Treball de Síntesi Maristes Montserrat

dimarts, 30 d’abril del 2013

Atreveix-te a mirar!

 Tot i emprant el lema d´aquest any us encoratgem a donar un cop d´ull a la feina que hem  fet, estem fent i farem en el Treball de Síntesi. Fem una visita al passat , ens atrevim a mirar al passat emprant les restes arquitectòniques que els nostres avantpassats en han anat deixant pel camí , signes que perduren en el temps i que ensenyen a comprendre el passat i la nostra història.

dijous, 4 d’abril del 2013

Visit to Montblanc and Poblet

In our Treball de Sintesi we went to Montblanc and Poblet . Montblanc is a nice fortress that we liked a lot. We visited the cathedral where our history teacher told us about it, then we went to the top of the hill where we saw all the village and after we had a free visit in groups. We went to the most interesting sites  like the ancient hospital or the roman bridge. Then we returned to the coach and we went to Poblet.
In Poblet we had lunch and after lunch we had a guide tour of the monastery. The visit was interesting because we had worked the topic in class , so we knew about the type of architecture, the chapels,...
Poblet is only of the monasteries that still has monks living inside.